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  • Conversational Leadership

    In this course, you will learn about the fundamental elements of meaningful conversations, the four-I model of organizational conversation, the conversational leadership framework, and the World Caf model. All of these tools will help you become a conversational leader and build stronger teams in your workplace.
  • Workplace Health and Safety: The Supervisor’s Role and Responsibilities

    At the end of this course you are going to be able to understand the employers and supervisors responsibilities for workplace health and safety and you will also learn about, and understand, the three rights of workers. You will learn about Health and Safety Committees, employee orientation checklists, health and safety training for employees, and the importance of communicating health and safety information.
  • Women and Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills

    At the end of this course you will understand a brief history and evolution of women and leadership. You will recognize leadership barriers, how to handle them, and use them to create benefits. You will know about social and emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. You will be able to develop a basic vision and brand for your leadership and understand essential leadership skills. You will also examine decision making and create a workplace philosophy statement and action plan.

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